Week 19 was go, go, go for me & baby T! Good thing I've got plenty of energy in this "honeymoon" trimester as some call it. Baby T has finally decided to show his or her face this week as my pants are definitely NOT fitting! Therefore, I finally broke down and went maternity clothes shopping, can you believe it?!?! My mom & Cora met me at the mall & we went to Motherhood Maternity. The second we walked in I'm sure the girl could sense my apprehension as she asked me if this was my first time shopping. I threw my head back, rolled my eyes, and moaned yesss..... I'm sure I didn't look so sweet to this chick, haha! I just had one idea of what maternity clothes looked like: ugly. Well, praise the lord, I was proven wrong! My mom & the employee were my personal shoppers and just kept throwing clothes at me to try on. It actually started to have fun! Probably because I love anything about shopping. They even had this fake bump pillow that I put on under my clothes that made me look 3 months farther along than I was, how funny! Anyway, I had a successful shopping trip and my mommy even bought me some clothes. I hope I'm as great as her one day! : )
Scott says I always take pictures when my outfit doesn't show
my bump, I'll try to get a better outfit next time! |
Size of baby: 6 inches, the size of a 6" subway sub! haha
Total weight gain/loss: 6 lbs
Maternity clothes: I finally gave in and bought a few outfits & discovered that the pants with the big panel in them rock! Why have I been trying to squeeze into my jeans?! My friend Julie also let me borrow her bella band which allows me to wear my normal pants unbuttoned, aaahh, magic.
Gender: I'm so confused, I have no idea! Most girls are guessing girls & most guys are guessing boy.
Movement: I'm still feeling the little rumbles which is definitely baby. Usually when I'm sitting at my desk in the afternoon or on the couch at night.
What I miss: I'm feeling pretty good now so I'm not missing anything new.
Cravings: Lately it's been pasta & sweets.
Symptoms: Little movements and the obvious fact that my belly is growing!
Memorable moment for the week: Going maternity shopping for the first time. I really think that this was when it all became real b/c I really looked pregnant!