The last week of my 2nd trimester was just as busy as the rest have been but I was really bad at taking pictures so I don't have much documentation. We went to the Eric Church concert at the Sangamon County Fair on Thursday and I must say that I'm settling into my role of DD pretty well. The concert was absolutely packed so we got to see tons of people we hadn't seen in a while & I love that - especially when I get to show off my new bump! Here's a pic of Ashley, Becca, & me during the concert - did I mention it was HOT?!
Next up on the agenda was my dance recital. This was my 2nd year taking a hip hop class & I found out we were expecting in the middle of the year so I decided I would continue taking classes & see how I felt when the recital came around. Well it came around quickly so I thought, why not, let's rock the baby bump on stage. We had dress rehearsal Friday night and the show was Saturday evening. I told my teacher to put me on the side so that I could roll off stage if necessary, hahaha. We wore heals in one of our dances so I'm just happy that I didn't wipe out on stage! Overall, it went really well though. Here's one picture that I made it in:
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(2nd from the left) |

One last thing that I must mention is that we finally got registered! My sis was sending out baby shower invitations this week so we were running out of time. We spent most of Scott's day off on Tuesday walking around Babies R Us trying to scan everything the baby will need - and that's a lot of stuff! How can someone so small need so much?! I started going very neutral on everything and Scott finally took the gun & started scanning pink stuff because "she is a girl!" in his words. Daddy's already sticking up for our princess :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 26 weeks
Size of baby: 14 inches & 1.7 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: 16 pounds
Maternity clothes: Pretty much all maternity wear now because it's sooo comfortable!
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Movement: Lots of kicks especially after I eat.
Sleep: Not too bad & I finally tried using a body pillow between my knees and wouldn't ya know it, my hips don't hurt anymore! Funny how easy that problem was to solve :)
What I miss: Nothing major this week
Cravings: Still loving ice cream...hhmm maybe that's why the weight has been packing on so easily...
Symptoms: Nothing new
Memorable moment for the week: Registering for baby & baby T's first dance show.
Bring on the 3rd Trimester!!
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