Tuesday, August 2, 2011

50 Day Countdown!


(Or less!)  haha, I can dream right?! 

To celebrate this small milestone I'm posting a hilarious list that I found on a preggo website.  Most of it is so true but I added a few of my own comments, too.

You know you’re in the 3rd trimester when…
  • Picking up a sock anything off the ground requires preparation and thought.
  • There are crumbs on your belly that you don’t notice until you stand up.  I just started noticing this issue, unfortunately it's a few hours after I've eaten...
  • There are crumbs in your cleavage that you don’t notice until you change.
  • You’re afraid to laugh or sneeze too hard (you know why…)
  • People look at your belly before your face.
  • You get mad that Nordstrom is at the other end of the mall from Macy’s.  If only we had a Nordstrom...
  • You consider getting into the car to drive from Nordstrom to Macy’s.
  • Heartburn visits you before, during, and after every meal, regardless of what you eat.  And especially at night, ugh!
  • You’re full in 10 bites or less.
  • Maneuvering a mirror around your belly to see if you have any stretch marks becomes a daily pastime.  Or just asking the hubby.
  • You break a sweat walking from the car to the door.  Especially in 100 degree heat.
  • You wish someone would offer you a ride from the car to the door.
  • Exercise equals getting up from the couch to fill up your water glass.  Or swimming 2 laps in the pool which made my arms burn! So pathetic.
  • After picking up a few socks you decide that from now on you’ll leave anything that falls to the floor exactly in its place until your husband comes home to pick it up for you.
  • You select your shoes based on which would be the easiest to put on.  I gave up on a pair that buckle on the side, I can't contort that way anymore!
  • You stop wearing your rings in fear of the swelling you know is soon to come.  I haven't yet & I hope I don't have to : (
  • Rolling over in bed is a task that requires counting out loud. 1,2,3 GO!  Or in my case, a grunt.
  • You stare at the cute baby clothes in the nursery at least 5 times a day.  Duh.
  • You panic about not having the nursery completely ready.  It's more like the rest of the house.
  • You forget what life was like before you fell in love with the baby in your belly.  : )

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