It seems like this pregnancy has just flown by especially when you figure that I've been pregnant for the entire year of 2011. We found out about our peanut on January 13 so she was obviously a New Years baby. Since then, we've celebrated many birthdays, holidays, and weddings, attended a Blackhawks game, ice skated, went to Sanibel, laid by the pool, went boating, and went to some fun concerts. It's crazy to think that I've experienced every season possible during the pregnancy. It started in the dead of Winter with lots of ice & snow, transitioned to a nice Spring, and an incredibly HOT summer. Now the temperatures seem to be changing again and we're about to enter Fall. Baby T is officially cooked and hopefully we'll meet her during the next week or so and we can enjoy Fall together!
Like I was saying, this whole pregnancy has flown by...except for this week. Week 39 decided to creep by at a snails pace because all I could think about was my next appointment! I wanted to keep progressing like I had been and hopefully get sent to the hospital to meet this little girl! Obviously that didn't happen. I did find out that I'm over 3 cm dilated & 70% effaced so that's still progress. Now all we need are contractions so I'm crossing my fingers!
This weekend we did more major home organization in preparation for the carpet and also watched some soccer. Kylie & Brayden were in a soccer tournament at UIS so we went & cheered on our favorite soccer kiddos! Here are some action shots:
Pretty good action shot if I do say so... |
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#10! |
Kylie's field was so big I had issues getting any good pics... |
This week also brought the date 09/10/11 which many projected as my due date, but no such luck. (That would have been a pretty cool birthday though). As the days ticked by, I crossed more and more peoples names off of the Baby T Birthday list. I think we all got a little excited and guessed too soon.
As of today, I'm happy to report that the carpet is totally installed and the house is all put back together! I'm hoping that Baby T is a really good listener and knew that we just needed to get carpet done and then she could come. I'm ready to go tomorrow! :)
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 39 weeks
Size of baby: 20.5 inches & 7 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds
Maternity clothes: All maternity but my summer wardrobe is not transitioning well into the cooler temps! I never had any long pants or shirts with sleeves, oops! Hopefully just using a cardigan will get me through the last week or so.
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Movement: It's getting more cramped in there every day but she stills wiggles a lot.
Sleep: I'm pretty sure I'm doomed in this department. I'm up 2-4 times and almost always have issues getting back to sleep. Last night I was having contractions but nothing that hurt to start counting but it still kept me up. Needless to say, I was exhausted and cranky today : /
What I miss: Being able to reach my feet!
Cravings: Nothing crazy this week.
Symptoms: Some contractions and my feet have started swelling especially when I'm on them a lot during the day. I still have an outside ankle but the inside is definitely looking like a cankle! haha
Memorable moment for the week: Getting the house in order for her arrival and finally packing my bag!
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