Kinley Dianne Tucker
September 19, 2011
7 pounds 1.5 ounces
20.5 inches long
Kinley's birthday story:
(Warning: This could get long & TMI, sorry!)
On Sunday, September 19, I was super motivated to get everything in order before Kinley's big arrival. She was due on Wednesday, September 21, so I was pretty sure that she would come sometime that week. I ran a bunch of errands and decided to swing by Meijer on the way home to get stuff to make white chicken chili at Scott's request. After I got the chili going (with extra jalapenos), I decided to get out my Halloween/fall decorations & get my fall candles lit - smells sooo good! I was on a roll by that time so I decided to vacuum the rest of the house (can we say nesting?!?)
Ready to go! |
I even sent Scott this text at 6:30pm: "Holy crap, vacuuming might seriously send me into labor! Sweating!" (Our new carpet is a lot more plush so pushing the vacuum is lot harder, especially at 9+ months pregnant).
Andy & Beth visiting in the morning |
He got home around 7 and we ate the super spicy chili and collapsed on the couch. I was mentally preparing to go to work Monday and get the standard question, "You're still here?!?" I started feeling kind of crampy around 8:30pm so I text my sister that I was having some sharp pains & cramping like the baby was pushing down really hard. She told me to start timing them but I brushed it off because how can you time cramping?? At that point I knew something was going on but I figured I would go in the next day or two.
Cora & dad around 10am |
Around 9:30pm I got a phone call from Beth (with my mom on 3-way) instructing me to start timing the contractions. I kept telling them that they weren't contractions because I thought my whole stomach would hurt and besides, I wasn't supposed to go to the hospital until I couldn't walk, talk, or smile through them (per lamaze). My mom reminded me that her contractions were more like cramps and it sounded like that's what I was having. Finally, I started timing my "cramps" and they were between 4 & 6 minutes apart. At this point, I started to believe that I might actually be in labor.
She wanted to show off her lungs right away! |
Around 10:30 I got up to go to the bathroom and a little fluid leaked out. I decided to walk to the other bathroom & even more fluid came out and didn't stop. I yelled at Scott that I thought my water broke! I knew that once your water breaks you have to get to the hospital & deliver within 24 hours - yikes, it was really go time! After a little dawdling on my part (re-packing, cleaning, freshening my make-up, hahaha) we made it to the hospital around 11:30.
Weighing Kinley |
Our nurse wasn't in too big of a hurry because I wasn't in intense pain and only dilated to 4cm. She suggested that since I was planning to get an epidural, I should just go ahead and get it so I could rest all night before we pushed in the morning. I had originally wanted to wait a while so I could walk & use a birthing ball in order to progress faster but I threw that plan out the window when the contractions got more uncomfortable. I agreed & my epidural was in by 1:30am.
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After nursing - don't mind my gorgeous "delivery hair" |
I was told to sleep & that they would check me again at 4:30am. Well sleep was non-existant as the blood pressure cuff went off every 15 minutes and I couldn't help but stare at the contraction monitor. I was 6cm at 4:30 so the nurse said that Dr. Stone would come by to check me around 8am before she went to the office. My family came back up to the hospital around 8am since they knew we were getting close. Finally around 9am the nurse checked me & I was 9cm - I could go in 20 minutes or an hour. Holy moly, this was really happening! At 10:00 I was 10cm and ready to start practice pushes.
Getting ready for her 1st bath |
I asked the nurse if she thought we could meet the baby by 11:00 & she laughed and said probably at least an hour, especially since it's our first. (Darn it!) Pushing was a breeze from 10:30 to 11:30 and seemed to take forever since my contractions were still 4 minutes apart. Basically, I would push for 30 seconds & wait another 4 minutes to push again. Baby's head was down by 11:30 and the nurse prepared to call Dr. Stone to deliver. I think my epidural started wearing off at this point because it became a lot more uncomfortable - I also forgot to hit my button for more medicine once we started pushing, oops! Scott was such a huge support during this time as he kept reassuring me that we were making progress even though I felt like we weren't. He even got to have Nascar on during the worst part of delivery - not that he really watched it but we both laughed when we realized it was on.
Dr. Stone arrived at noon and that's when the real pain began. Baby's head was right there so I felt tons of pressure so I just needed to get her out. I was exhausted by this time and felt like I could pass out or fall asleep between each contraction (I had been awake since for almost 30 hours by then). Scott & Dr. Stone were awesome cheerleaders and kept me focused & motivated even when I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. (I felt kind of hopeless at this point because it was taking longer than I had expected, but not longer than normal). Finally, Dr. Stone said "1 or 2 more pushes & she'll be out!" I was so tired of pushing & in so much pain that after the 3rd 10 seconds I just kept pushing and out she came at 12:32pm!
They put Kinley on my chest & I was so overwhelmed with emotion. I couldn't believe that we created such a perfect, beautiful little girl. I can't even begin to describe the emotions that I felt at that time. The exhaustion and despair melted away and I was just focused on her and Scott. I knew that he was so proud of me and so in love with his little girl - it just melted my heart. Scott took to his daddy role right away and was snapping pictures and bonding with Kinley as the nurses assessed her.
I got my 2nd wind so Scott & I took time to bond with our daughter before we invited family back to visit. Kinley nursed and she took to that really well so I was relieved. We had planned to wait and tell our family the name when they came back but it was almost 2:30 by then so I had Scott go out and break the news. Our anxious visitors finally got to come back around 3 and fell in love with her right away. It was fun to see my family interact with her - we had all waited so long to meet her!
We had visitors in and out throughout he afternoon & finally decided to call it a night around midnight - we had been up for almost 40 hours at that point. The nurse came to take Kinley for her hearing test at midnight so we wanted to get a quick nap in before she came back. We passed out and didn't wake up until 2:00am when she came back. The nurse asked if we wanted her to take her to the nursery until she was ready to nurse again at 5:30 and we mumbled uh huh... We had planned to keep her in our room the whole time but by this time we were delirious and gladly accepted the help. I think that was the best sleep we got and probably will get in a long time.
awww such a perfect little story!!! Love you Kinley, Mommy & Dadady!!! :)