Sleep...Hmmm...Remind me what that is again?!
Yep, we've been having those kind of nights at our house since Christmas. I'm not sure where it came from, but it needs to stop (quickly). Kinley was always a good sleeper from the beginning. During the 1st few weeks, she would wake up to nurse but she outgrew that phase pretty quickly. I would have to look back at the blog to see when she first slept through the night but it was a lot earlier than I had anticipated which was great!

The current problem is that she just wants her pacifier back in her mouth so she fusses until we come in and stick it back in. As soon as it's in her mouth she grabs it, immediately closes her eyes, and she's off to dreamland before we're back in our bed. This process happens every 45 minutes to an hour from midnight to 5:30 when I finally get up to nurse her. She sleeps well from 8pm to 12-1am & then it's on.

I know it could be worse, we could actually be getting her out of bed to feed her or rock her back to sleep so sticking the paci in isn't a huge deal. BUT, not getting to sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time is starting to wear on us.

The internet & baby message boards have been my best friend lately so I googled the issue & a lot of people said that you just need to let them cry until they get over it. This could take a few nights but they quit "needing it" to sleep. I figured that was the answer I would find so I kept looking... Who really wants to listen to their sweet baby get so upset over a pacifier? (I guess I'm a pushover, or a new mommy, whatever, but I don't). The only other thing that we can think of is that she might not be getting enough to eat during the day so she's hungry and the paci satisfies her until she eats in the morning.

Hopefully we can figure it out in the upcoming weeks & get our good sleeper back! I'm sure like every other phase I'll look back on this and hardly remember how exhausting it was. But for now, it's all I can think about! Does anyone have any advice or know anyone that this has happend to? I don't think it would be so bad if she hadn't spoiled us in the first few months with great sleep!

With all of these angel baby pictures, you'd think she's the best sleeper in the world! The only thing that's helping me get through this is to remind myself that I get to see my sweet Kinley's face everytime I get up. : )