For New Years Eve we decided to go up to Scott's sister's house like we used to a few years ago. They always host a fun party & have kids running around like crazy!
We got up there Friday afternoon and decided to go to Cheli's for dinner & to watch the Blackhawks game. It's a bar named after Chris Chelios, a former Blackhawk player. It had a really fun sports bar atmosphere with lights & horns and everything - it sounded like you were at the game. I was kind of nervous how Kinley was going to take the insanity but she did ok...until the horns started going off! It was way loud & it scared the poor girl. She got used to it after a while but I still felt bad especially since she was sleepy. We also had the BEST fried asparagus ever. *mental note to get that every time we go up*
Cheesin' at Cheli's |
We lounged around & had donuts and coffee the next morning which was a nice change of pace for everyone. Then Kim, Sue, & I got ready to go shopping at the outlet mall nearby. I knew when we pulled up that I was in mommy mode as I said, "no, we don't need to go to Coach or any of my other normal places...let's go to Carter's, Children's Place, Gymboree, etc." (I admit that I did squeeze my eyes closed as we walked passed Coach, ha!)
Our little diva on NYE! |
Aidan had hockey practice that afternoon so after we were done shopping we swung by the rink to meet the rest of the gang & pick up Kinley. We grabbed lunch from Portillo's on the way home & I was way impressed with that place. They had workers outside in the cold waiting to take orders so your food would be ready when you finally got to the window. This place was still crazy busy at 2:00 in the afternoon!
We went home and had a relaxing girls afternoon until I decided to shower. While in the shower Sue knocked on the door and said they needed the bathtub because Kinley had a blowout! She doesn't usually have them so I knew it needed immediate attention, haha. I threw my hair in a towel & put some sweats on. I didn't know what to do with this poor screaming child so I jumped in the tub with her! I'm sure it was a sight to see! I squated in the tub in my sweats & tried to clean her, too bad no one had their camera!
Lobster races! |
Everyone arrived later that evening and it was time to snack and prepare for the lobsters! This is the only time that we have lobster besides when we're in Florida so we were excited! Tim put down newspaper so we could have lobster races. None of those guys moved too quicky though so it was time to throw them in the pot.
Kinley is NOT a lobster fan...yet! |
Then we feasted, enjoyed a few cocktails, and counted down until midnight. Kinley was a super party girl and stayed up until 10pm, woah! haha. At approximatly, 12:30 I went upstairs to bed. Gone are the days of partying until the wee hours, especially if there's a bed that close! We had so much fun and all the kids agreed that we should do this every year!
Even the kiddos got in on the lobster action! |
2011 brought so much excitement that we can't wait to see what 2012 has in store!
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