Kinley -
(I wrote this on the 21st and never got pictures added so let's pretend this was posted a week & a half ago)
(I wrote this on the 21st and never got pictures added so let's pretend this was posted a week & a half ago)
Everytime I sit down to write these posts I have to look at the calendar to make sure you are really this big! These weeks and months are flying and you're already 4 months old!
We went to the doctor on Friday and you weigh 14 lbs 8 oz and are 24 inches long. You are in the 59% for weight and 29% for height - are we going to have another shorty in the family? Dr. Dolan said you looked healthy and great head and neck strength. Daddy didn't get to go to this appointment so I was pretty nervous about the shots. You had to get 2 shots this time and you didn't make a peep for the first one but you got really mad about the second! Your sweet face was bright red and you cried until we gave you a sweet juice. You were fine after that so I really shouldn't have been worried because you're a tough girl! We also found out that you have a few patches of eczema like we suspected but nothing a little cream can't take care of.
We transitioned you to 3-6 month clothes & 6 month sleepers at the beginning of this month but you still wear your white 3 month onesies under things. We also used all of the size 1-2 diapers and now you're in size 2 with room to spare.
You love sitting up in your bumbo seat and playing with toys. Pretty much everything in your hands goes directly to your mouth these days. We thought you were teething at the beginning of this month but no teeth have popped through yet so maybe it's just how most babies are at this age. You also drool like crazy! I think we go through 3 bibs a day.
Tummy time still isn't your favorite but we make you do it for a little while each day (probably not as much as we should though). You don't mind being on your back watching your mobile or playing on your mat though. We're still waiting for you to roll over but Dr. Dolan told us not to worry about it. She thinks you might start sitting up by yourself instead so I guess we'll see!
Your fussiness has calmed down quite a bit but you still have your moments. If you're anything like me, I'm sure you'll have "moments" forever, haha. Your gasiness has also decreased a lot, possibly because we bought you new fancy bottles!
You laugh and talk a lot more now and it just melts our hearts! I remember when I couldn't wait to hear you laugh and now it's pretty easy to make you giggle. I love it when I'm talking to your daddy and look over at you and you're smiling away just listening to me talk!
You love to stand up like a big girl and put weight on your legs. You think you're pretty big stuff! You are also very alert and really follow things with your eyes. We used to be able to sneak out of the room when you were in your swing but now you follow us with your eyes and let us know if you want us back in the room!
This was the month of major sleep issues. There's a whole blog post dedicated to that BUT I think we've turned a corner. A few days before your 4 month birthday you started sleeping from 8p-3:30a without waking up so we're crossing our fingers that it continues! I don't know if I ever mentioned that you're sleeping in your crib consistently now, such a good girl!
You're eating 5-5.5 ounces every 3-4 hours and that seems to be enough for you. You also stopped waking up to eat at night so that's a relief.
I think you're hair is starting to look more golden than red these days, too. We still wonder if we'll have a blondie like mommy & daddy were. It really won't matter though because you're eyes seem to be staying a light gorgeous blue.
You are turning into such a sweet girl and are such a joy to be with! I count down to every weekend that I get to spend with you and pray that Sunday's drag on so I don't have to go back to work and be away from you. Can't wait to see what next month has in store!
You laugh and talk a lot more now and it just melts our hearts! I remember when I couldn't wait to hear you laugh and now it's pretty easy to make you giggle. I love it when I'm talking to your daddy and look over at you and you're smiling away just listening to me talk!
You love to stand up like a big girl and put weight on your legs. You think you're pretty big stuff! You are also very alert and really follow things with your eyes. We used to be able to sneak out of the room when you were in your swing but now you follow us with your eyes and let us know if you want us back in the room!
This was the month of major sleep issues. There's a whole blog post dedicated to that BUT I think we've turned a corner. A few days before your 4 month birthday you started sleeping from 8p-3:30a without waking up so we're crossing our fingers that it continues! I don't know if I ever mentioned that you're sleeping in your crib consistently now, such a good girl!
You're eating 5-5.5 ounces every 3-4 hours and that seems to be enough for you. You also stopped waking up to eat at night so that's a relief.
I think you're hair is starting to look more golden than red these days, too. We still wonder if we'll have a blondie like mommy & daddy were. It really won't matter though because you're eyes seem to be staying a light gorgeous blue.
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Look how much you've already grown! |
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