If you can't tell I've been less than motivated during the past few weeks to put much effort into my posts. Here's another totally random, but hopefully entertaining post!
Since my computer is still being crazy I think iPhone pics/videos will work for now.
Kinley modeling her I Love NY onesie that Aunt Beth & Michael brought back from their trip to NY!
Kinley modeling her I Love NY onesie that Aunt Beth & Michael brought back from their trip to NY!

Kinley has become quite the rolling machine - finally! Not that I ever thought that she was never going to roll and only sit and stair at me...
I'm going to quit apologizing for my crazy mommy voice because I'm pretty sure it's here to stay. Just mute me if you need to :)
I bought a new polish called Turquoise & Caicos (Essie) and I love it! This is very out of the box for me - normally just pinks or reds on my toes!

I know this pic of my foot is HOT, try not to drool! ;)
Little miss K has finally outgrown her swing I think. Let me know what you think...
Different day, same thing...
Holy moly, get did you catch a glimpse of those svelte thighs! She's been working out a lot. Don't be jealous of those rolls!
And that's all I have on this beautiful Thursday. I have my birthday, mother's day, and Kinley's 8 month posts started so hopefully I can finish this weekend and get caught up! That is, as long as I'm not at work all weekend with the crazies across the street trying to pass a budget...We shall see.
Happy weekend y'all!
(Sometimes I like to act like I'm from Texas)
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