I can't believe I'm typing this but we celebrated Cora's High School graduation on May 27. Didn't I just graduate?! Ha, yeah right! Many family members came in from out of town so it was so fun to get together and celebrate Cora's accomplishments!
Here's my "baby" sis up on the big screen. Seriously, she was the cutest baby with big brown eyes, dark hair, and brown bear skin. And she's grown up into the cutest young lady, too!
Another picture from one of her homecoming dances - that even seems like forever ago!
Everyone gave great speeches and then the big moment arrived...
Waiting to walk up and get her diploma.

I think the last time Cora was on this stage was when she had a frilly dance costume on many, many years ago...I'm sure she's rolling her eyes at me right now.
The ceremonial graduation cap toss. I know I didn't throw my cap because I wanted to make sure I kept it. I'm pretty sure I have no idea where that very important piece of history is right now though, ha!
Family pictures after the ceremony:
Kinley & Aunt Coco (not sure why this looks blurry on the blog)
Awww, caught a sweet moment with her auntie.
Messmore family photo
It was a gorgeous day so we hung out outside a lot.
Ian, Dad, Uncle Jack; Michael & Kinley; Craig & Matthew; Abe & Louie
Ashley, Hadley, Nick, Cade, Cole, & Alexa's hair
Uncle Mark, Aunt Audrey, Grandma Evelyn, & Ann
There were plenty of people inside, too!
Aunt Laura & Presley
The Rock Island/Moline crew that drove down for the day!
Grandma, Dan, Lisa, Ian, Grandpa, Char, Stan
Since we had so many kiddos together, we decided to try to get a group picture. It's always a good idea but then this...
We had a wonderful day catching up with family & friends and celebrating that my parents successfully got 4 kids through high school! What a feat, I'm not sure how they have any patience left. ; )
Congrats & good luck at Edwardsville, Cora! We love you!
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