We were invited to attend a business trip to Puerto Rico with Scott's boss and his wife in August. At first I wasn't sure if I could leave Kinley for 5 days but Scott booked the tickets so I didn't have much of a choice! I'm glad he did because we had an amazing time!
We arrived Sunday afternoon, rented our matchbox car, and got checked in. There was a welcome event planned that evening and it was amazing!

The next morning Scott & Bob attended their seminars and Lanae and I went to the gym...yes, I went to the gym on vacation because I never have time at home!
Here's the zen garden where we could meditate and do yoga. I didn't do any of that, but it's gorgeous! :)

Here are the views from our room:

We hit the pool that afternoon but it rained...a lot. We didn't let a little storm ruin our afternoon though, we just sat at the bar!

One thing Yamaha knows how to do (besides make awesome boats) is how to throw a party. They spared no expense. One night was they held a "white party" - yes, like P. Diddy. ;)
They had a comedian during dinner and some crazy entertainment around the pool for the after party.
They had a comedian during dinner and some crazy entertainment around the pool for the after party.

(hard to see, but there's a dancer in the floating ball)
We hit the casino every night after each party was wrapping up but I obviously couldn't take any pictures inside the casino.
We could be found at the pool most days from the hours of 10-4.

Wednesday we went to the resort's private island for demos of the new boats and waverunners. Boarding the ferry:
We stayed in the part of the resort that was up on the hill. This is down at the marina village looking up at the resort on the cliff.
Another full resort picture from the island.
Welcome to Palamino Island
Scott did his best David Hasselhoff impression for me, I wasn't impressed.
The island was beautiful and we found out that they filmed one of the Pirate's of the Caribbean movies on the small island right behind Scott.
We explored the island a little...
We waded out in this clear water while it rained. Then Scott got attacked by some angel fish...kind of.
Scott & Lanae out on one of our test drives. And FYI - test driving a supercharged boat on the ocean is scary!
A group testing out the waverunners behind us.
Scott & I took out a waverunner but I didn't have anyone take pics. He almost threw me off but I had already decided that I was NOT falling in the ocean and getting eaten by sharks!
Here we are back at the resort looking out to the marina and another resort.
Beautiful but there always seemed to be rain clouds somewhere. Thank goodness they mostly missed us.
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