I've been excited for Valentine's Day this year! Not so much for the cards, candy, and flowers but to dress Kinley in all of her pink & red!
We started wearing our Valentine's finest last week...
I really need to start getting out my big camera instead of using all Instagram pictures...
I bought her onesie & elephant clip on Etsy.
Side note - I would not recommend the shop that made her onesie, it wasn't very well made BUT Geneva Diva makes the cutest/cheapest hair clips & bows and hosts fun giveaways/contests on Facebook so I totally recommend them! And no, I was not reimbursed - free advertising if you make good stuff! :)
Anyway, I was also determined to make a front door decoration that I saw on Pinterest. Instead of reinventing the wheel and giving another step by step tutorial, I'll link to the one I used. It was really simple but a little time consuming.
I changed it up a little based on what I could find at Michaels & Joann Fabrics. The only paper mache letters were really small so found a big piece of styrofoam and traced my own letters onto it to cut out. I also used felt instead of t-shirts & straight pins instead of hot glue.
I think I cut out 100 pink circles & 100 red circles so I did one set each night and then it took me under an hour to pin it all to the Styrofoam last weekend.
I was pretty happy with how it turned out and now I have a Valentine's decoration to use every year!
We had to get pictures this morning before we left the house! Daddy's 3 girls on Valentine's Day.
This little sweetheart decided to get up at 5:30 and didn't really go back to sleep so pictures were a little difficult. But lets talk about this face. Yes, Kinley, you get whatever you want with those puppy dog eyes!
Then I asked her if she wanted to send a picture to Grandma and she perked right up with a pose and everything! And for the record, she hated her skirt this morning and kept saying, off, off! I'm a mean mommy & made her wear it to Aunt Sue's. :) Then I got a text from Sue at 8:17 saying that her skirt was already off and she gave a big "aaaah."
Love my little Valentine!
Later in the day I decided to compare her Valentine's Day picture from last year. What a difference 1 year makes, wow.

And I got the best surprise of all when Sue brought Kinley up to my office for a visit and they brought me a Valentine & candy! SO lucky to have an amazing sis-in-law/auntie-sitter for K.

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