On Wednesday (7/11), we packed up the car to head to Texas for my cousin Jake's wedding. I'm not sure how, but we got 6 people and a weeks worth of luggage in the back on my moms car. I felt like a sardine & poor Cora was stuck in the back on her birthday!
We stopped for lunch at Fazoli's and Kinley loved the pasta!
Our good little traveler.
We drove from 6am - 6pm and made it to Allen, Texas, just North of Dallas. We met one of my best friends from Rochester for dinner since she now lives around Dallas.
Waiting for a table, being cute.
Kinley tried her 1st lime at dinner and made the funniest face. Once we got the camera out she didn't seem to mind though so no funny pics.
We were also celebrating Cora's 18th birthday so the waiters had to sing and embarrass her, haha!
Me, Kinley, Katie, & baby Albsmeyer - due in December!! Looking at this picture just makes me think, "wow how times have changed." Katie obviously didn't have a drink and I almost didn't finish mine because I was wrangling a baby. The old us would have sucked them down and ordered more just to pre-game, ha! Eek, I'm super excited for her & Joe!
After a long day, we settled in at the hotel and got some much needed rest.
This was just the beginning of Kinley never going to bed on time, but hey, it's vacation! We got up the next morning and hit the road to San Antonio.
Driving through Dallas
Being such a good girl!
I'm sure we're cursed when it comes to picking gas stations - this one was gross but had great souvenirs! (haha, poor Kinley)
Showing off her 2 toofers.
We finally made it to San Antonio around 3 so we checked in and went to the roof for a quick swim.
Our hotel was right on the river so we enjoyed the Riverwalk that night.
We walked around for a couple hours and stopped to eat dinner. Luckily, we sat under umbrellas because it started down pouring half way through dinner.
Our hotel was an old bank and there were still vaults in the basement so we had to snap some pics for my banker mom.
That night, we went up to to swim and hang out in the hot tub - what a view!
My brother did such a great job booking hotels for our trip!
My sister surprised us the next morning and flew in for the weekend.
We had to show Beth the Riverwalk, too so we walked around a little & grabbed some lunch.
Multi-tasking mama.
Apparently, the pigeons were hungry for lunch, too - yuck!
After lunch, we said goodbye to San Antonio and drove over to New Braunfels for the wedding festivities.