We were excited to start our 4th of July celebration a few days early, especially since Kinley had 5 different red, white, & blue outfits!

I met Sue & the kids for lunch on Friday and Kinley got her 1st big kid souvenir cup from the Corner Pub. She loved drinking out of the cool straw!

Friday night we went out on the boat for "light up the lake." Lets just say that it was a lot more comfortable than last 4th of July...
Saturday we got up bright & early & drove to Aurora for the Jimmy Buffett concert. Here we are packed in Rob & Sue's car:
Kinley was next to me snoozin' away..

We stayed with my in-laws and the girls took Kinley on the trampoline for the 1st time. She seemed to like it until I came outside and she saw me. (Realizing that mommy's not holding her is always a good reason for a meltdown).
We grilled out and made our own cheeseburgers in paradise and margaritas before the concert. Rian made a mega burger!

Kinley rocked her dress that the O'Connors brought back from Hawaii - perfect Buffett attire.
K & me before the concert.
Since all of the adults were going to the concert, it was Kinley's 1st time staying with a "non adult" babysitter. I must admit that I was a little anxious but they are very responsible and Kinley loves her cousins so that helped!
I got a pretty good report - she was good but the girls had to sing 'twinkle, twinkle' a million times before she finally fell asleep. ;) We loaded up the next morning and made the trip back home for the annual Tucker 4th of July party. I had to snap a pic of the kiddos in the back:
We got home at 11 so I went home, made fruit pizza, went to Jeffers' pool for a few hours, ran home, and tried to get myself & Kinley ready for the party at 4:00.
Unfortunately, I only allowed an hour to get us ready and finish the fruit pizza so it was just another case of me trying to do too many things in one day... I'll never learn! Therefore, I was late to the party and had a million things to carry so I felt like a failure as a "single" mom!

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