Monday, July 2, 2012

Father's Day

We decided to celebrate father's day with my family at my Aunt & Uncle's pool - our normal summer weekend routine.  My dad surprised Kinley with a new floaty and sunglasses.  (Yes, he brought his grandbaby gifts on his day).
Modeling her new floaty & shades...

I'm am so lucky to have the best "daddy-do" ever growing up.  From taking me on countless bike rides, to following us all over the state (and country) for dance competitions, he's the best I could have ever asked for!  And now I get to watch him turn into the best grandpa ever - he always wants to swing through the baby section if he and mom my are out shopping and it's just about the sweetest thing!  Always thinking about his other "babydoll."
Unfortunately, Scott had to work on his first father's day so we went and visited him at work towards the end of the day and bought him some new golf gear since he plays in a golf league this summer.

Here's his 1st picture with his baby girl:
Kinley is super blessed to have such a loving and hard working daddy.  I knew Scott would be an awesome dad from the moment I saw him with his nieces and nephews.  He's always been such a natural with a big heart - that pretty much sealed the deal for me!
I just love watching those two interact and can only imagine the memories they're going to make as she grows up - 4-wheeler rides, wakeboarding, soccer - all stuff that mommy probably wouldn't do.  And she already has him wrapped around her finger.  :)

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