Has it really been 4 weeks since my last Bump Watch post?! Obviously, life has been busy but nothing too exciting. Baby girl keeps growing and so does my belly! I feel like I'm already huge so I looked back at my 28 picture from last time and it's not as bad as I thought.
Boy, do I miss being pregnant in the summer. Have I mentioned that? Blonde, tan, and still walking everyday. Now I'm pale and have no desire to walk during our breaks at work...kind of blah. Oh well, I'm so looking forward to spring already!
I had an appointment at 27 weeks and everything looked great. I'm measuring slightly bigger but nothing too crazy. Baby wanted her presence to be known when we were listening to her heartbeat and kicked right where the lady had the doppler wand. She also decided to kick at Dr. Stone when she was measuring me. She's an active & strong little peanut!
Picture morning didn't go well - Kinley wanted me to hold her and did NOT want to pose with the chalkboard. Oh the life of a toddler... Kinley wanted to help me decorate the chalkboard this week so I used her coloring as the background. Kind of looks like grafitti so it's fun!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 28 weeks
Size of baby: 14.8 inches & 2.2 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: 19 pounds
Maternity clothes: Maternity pants and tops but normal dresses.
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: We might have a soccer player in there! She rolls, kicks, and flips throughout the day and it makes me laugh every time. Scott loves feeling her kick but Kinley hasn't been patient enough yet to feel her.
Sleep: My hips were really hurting when I woke up for a while but the pillow between my legs seems to help. Otherwise, sleep is...whatever. Kinley is not the best sleeper but I'm used to it.
What I miss: Nothing major this week
Cravings: Sweets, but that's kind of normal for me.
Symptoms: I had a few issues with my lower back bothering me but it comes and goes. Otherwise, the usual - growing belly, acid reflux, some braxton hicks.
Memorable moment for the week: 28 week doctor's
appointment - hearing her heartbeat again.

In case you couldn't tell above, she was NOT happy. My sweet little mama's girl. :)
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