Happy New Year blog readers! I had fully intended on doing a 2012 wrap up but I'm not even caught up with Christmas so I'm sure that's going to get skipped. We finally have most of the Christmas decor put away and we're prepping for a fresh new year. So now it's time to play catch up!
Some of my high school girlfriends got together the weekend before Christmas for dinner and drinks at Karens house. She's the only one that still lives in Rochester and we rarely get together - sad I know. :(
Kristin brought her adorable daughter Peyton so Kinley had a buddy to hang out with all night. The girls loved harassing playing with the puppies all night, too!
One attempt at a self-timer photo but Kinley wasn't interested:
Kinley actually decided to be independent that night and walked around talking on her phone, working on her laptop, and socializing with Peyton. I was impressed!
And she even let someone other than mommy hold her, wow! I promise she really does like you, Katy!
We enjoyed taco soup, white chicken chili, and plenty of appetizers (oh, and wine for the non-preggos). One thing has never changed with us girls - our love for food!

I just love that we can pick up right where we left off like time hasn't flown by. Even though I don't get to see these girls as often as I'd like, I still consider them some of the best friends I'll ever have.
We were missing a few girls who couldn't make it to town that day but hopefully we can catch up soon! One was stuck in Dallas waiting for her new baby boy to arrive so I figured that was a legit excuse. ;)
What a fun way to kick off the Christmas weekend!
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