Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 14 weeks
Size of baby: 3.5 inches, about the size of a lemon
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 1 lb since last appointment
Maternity clothes: Haven't bought any yet, wore a lot of dresses in Florida.
Gender: We've decided to find out in 6 weeks! Beth & Sue think it's a girl & most others think boy.
Movement: None yet
Sleep: Slept ok, but missed my own bed at home
What I miss: Rum runners, Captain & diets at the pool & beach! (Wow, I sound like an alcoholic!) haha
Cravings: I really wanted fish & shrimp but I had to limit my intake this week so I ate a little bit most days.
Symptoms: Still kind of tired, feeling my uterus & ligaments stretch, very emotional!
(Pardon the partial nudity but I wanted to do a bare belly picture while I had a tan)

Beer belly or baby bump? You decide :)
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