Next up on the agenda was one of my bestest friend's bridal shower & bachelorette party! It seems that all of my high school girlfriends only get together on special occasions now that we're older so it's that much more fun every time we get together! It's so hard to find time to get everyone together so when we do, we live it up! The shower started at 11am so it was a full day of celebrating Katie! I wasn't feeling too great that day for some reason but I pushed through because I soooo wanted to go out for her bachelorette party! Scott even called me that afternoon to check on me & said not to push it if I didn't feel good. Of course, I broke down in tears because I didn't want to miss the once in a lifetime celebration! It was definitely one of those moments like when you're young & you can't go to a birthday party because you're sick. I'm such a baby these days!! hahaha. I ended up taking some tylenol & I was back in action!
Katie & I |
I made it out until 10:30pm & it was a loooong day! Katie's party theme was "Katie's last rodeo" & our shirts said "Katie's last ride before she's a bride!" Everyone at the bars loved us cowgirls! I'd say my first sober bachelorette party was a success & Baby T got lots of belly rubs & love from my girls.
Katie & I have tons of fun memories from when we were little through high school & LincolnLand (I might not remember all the LLCC memories though, haha!) Quite the partner in crime during our prime partying years! I wish you & Joe many years of happiness & I know you'll be together forever! I might add that I knew you guys were going to get married even when you denied it years ago. Love youuu!
Katie & I have tons of fun memories from when we were little through high school & LincolnLand (I might not remember all the LLCC memories though, haha!) Quite the partner in crime during our prime partying years! I wish you & Joe many years of happiness & I know you'll be together forever! I might add that I knew you guys were going to get married even when you denied it years ago. Love youuu!
"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart." ~Elisabeth Foley
We finally had our 16 week doctor's appointment on Monday April 11! I count down the days to these appointments because I get to hear baby T's heartbeat - there's nothing like it! This was a boring appointment so no sonogram. I got to see my doctor one last time before she delivers her 6th baby this Friday! I was kind of bummed that I wouldn't be seeing her for 3 months but it will be good to meet other doctors in the office in case they end up delivering for me. Here are the latest & greatest pregnancy stats...
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: 4.5 inches, about the size of an avocado
Total weight gain/loss: I'm up 3 pounds altogether which seems a little low but I'm pretty sure I'll pack on the lbs at the end so I'm not going crazy yet.
Maternity clothes: I'm still holding out on even shopping for them! I used the rubber band trick twice at the end of this week so a bella band purchase is a definite for this weekend.
Gender: We find out in 3 weeks!!! Most people are still telling me boy, we will see :)
Movement: I thought I might have felt something when I was sitting on the couch at work but I'm still not sure & that was the only time.
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well, thankfully.
What I miss: Staying out all night & partying it up for bachelorette parties! BUT I definitely don't miss those hangovers! haha
Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary, I'm pretty boring on this one.
Symptoms: Oh you know, just crying all the time!
Most memorable moment of the week: Hearing the heartbeat at the doctor - 142! It makes it all so real. I'm still not sure it's totally hit me that there's really a baby in there. Come on baby bump!!
Not the most flattering photo but we forgot to take one so we had to hurry one day before work. |
Awww I feel so special for the blog love you showed me here!! U were a trooper that day and glad baby T got to join in on the fun :) so happy you're doing this blog so that I feel I am a little part of your pregnancy and can stay updated even though I'm 1000 miles away! Love you girl!!
Yay, I love that you loved it! I'm glad you're following :) xo