This week has been pretty normal, trying to adjust to work life after doing a lot of nothing in Florida for a week. We had a very relaxing weekend full of laundry & cleaning, woohoo! We've started operation house organization, too, in hopes that we can get all the little clutter totally organized before we start on the baby room in a month or two. We also started looking at furniture for the

Since this post is pretty boring, I'll share an awesome book that Scott's cousin Lynn sent me a few weeks ago. It's a book about how to be stylish during pregnancy - such a cute idea! I've read the beginning but not the whole thing yet. I've learned that heals will do wonders for your legs, long necklaces elongate your frame, and scarves are great accessories! (Kind of the same advice if you aren't pregnant, lol). It's a really nice change from all of the serious pregnancy books out there. I also borrowed Jenny McCarthy's "Belly Laughs" from a friend at work and would highly recommend it! I share many of her crazy worries about pregnancy and the birth process so it was nice to know that I'm not the only one! I think it would be entertaining for those that aren't pregnant, too.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: 4 inches, about the size of an apple
Total weight gain/loss: I indulged in Florida so I'm probably up 2 or 3 pounds, I'll wait until my next appointment to know for sure.
Maternity clothes: Haven't even gone to look yet but I've thought about getting a bella band just in case. My pants are feeling tighter at the end of the day but they all still button!
Gender: Hopefully we'll find out in 5 weeks!!
Movement: None, but I'm not really sure what to watch for.
Sleep: Ok, always up at 12:30 & 5:30-ish
What I miss: Still diet coke
Cravings: I did my first "fat preggo girl" thing this week - decided I needed easy mac at 9 o'clock at night. Otherwise, my eating habits are pretty normal.
Symptoms: More pulling & stretching to make room for baby & still really emotional - I probably cry or get teary eyed every couple days :*( lol
Come on baby bump, we know you are in there baby t. Now you can show yourself, don't be shy! :)