Finally, after 4 long weeks of waiting, the big day was upon us - February 14 -Valentine's Day - oh yeah, and our first doctors appointment!! This day turned out to be a very eventful & memorable day! We had an appointment at 9am & we drove separately because we had to go to work right after. We "pretty much" knew where the office was so Scott followed me just in case. He got stopped by a train so I drove up a few blocks and found the office & parked, thinking that he would also see the parking lot. Well, as our luck would have it, he thought it was on the other side of the road and turned the other way right before the entrance. I had no idea so I walked up to the door & turned to wait for him before I went in...and I waited...and waited...and waited. I called his cell phone to give him directions but it just rang...and rang...and rang. (You get the idea of how happy I was). I guessed that he had forgotten his phone so I called my sister to pass the time until he got there. I finally saw his car come to the stop sign down the street - pheww!! BUT he decided to turn the other way! OOohhmygoshhh, we're going to be late to our first baby doctor appointment!! I stood outside for what felt like hours trying to figure out if I was going to have to go in without him. :( Luckily, he finally found the building and I was so happy that he actually made it, that I didn't even care about what had just happened.

We got checked in and the nerves began. I still didn't have any symptoms and didn't feel pregnant at all so I just wanted to make sure that there was actually a baby in there somewhere! I prepared myself thinking that we would see the doctor, do blood work & have the sonogram at the end. Boy was I wrong. The sonographer came out & took us back to do the sonogram first - NOW?! I'm not ready! hahaha I didn't know I would be that nervous! Well, wouldn't you guess, up came the mass of cells also known as Baby T. He/she looked like more of a shrimp or a whale than a fetus but I was thrilled to see that there was someone growing in there! The baby measured 8 weeks 5 days, exactly what we had estimated, and had a heartbeat of 174 which is pretty high but normal. The nurse said everything looked great and she sent us on to see Dr. Stone. The appointment went well & we love our new doctor! We got a few doctor recommendations from friends & we're so glad we trusted them :) She's actually pregnant with her 6th baby due in April - she obviously loves babies! The worst part was drawing 5 vials of blood and the nurse was aaaawful! Oh well, I better get use to it, right!? We both went to work and were both questioned about why our "appointment" lasted a few hours...yep, both of our offices were already onto us! We both denied that we were pregnant all day which took forever because we planned to tell our families that night. Since it was valentines day we decided to make valentine's cards to tell our parents. Here are a few photos of the cards we made:
Outside & inside of the card

Our families were both incredibly surprised & excited for us. I think my mom screamed for 10 seconds straight, Ron said he knew that's what our card said, my dad was speechless, and Ann was stunned. Our brothers & sisters were all thrilled to be aunts & uncles to baby T! Overall, Valentine's day 2011 turned out to be one of the most memorable days of our lives - I'm not sure any other Valentine's day will be able to beat the day that we saw our little peanut for the first time :)
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