Kinley -
Your first year was filled with so many firsts and we had so much fun experiencing them with you. Your personality has grown leaps and bounds over the last few months and you are SO fun to play and interact with!
Here's the rundown of what you've learned during your first year:
You love fruit & carbs - you would live on these if we let you. Sometimes you will eat vegetables if we hide them so we're working on that. Some of your favorite foods include: spaghetti, grapes, cheerios, eggs, cheese, bananas, waffles, hamburger, watermelon, chicken tacos, raspberries, and ham.

You've mastered some tricks like: waving, clapping, pointing at everything, showing us that you're "so big" (arms in the air), cruising like crazy, giving hugs & sometimes kisses, rocking/dancing, stacking rings, and pushing buttons.
You know where your belly, ears, hair, and nose are.
You know that your shoes go on your feet, shirt goes over your head, and bows go in your hair. You aren't tolerating the bows like you used to though. :(
You love to babble but on command you can say: mama, dada, bubba (buffett), mowa (more), kyky (Kylie), Lala (Laney), uh-oh, bye, & boo-ah (balloon). You know 2 animal noises when we ask you what they say: cow (moo) and lion/monster (you growl).
Your main mode of transportation is crawling. You still don't have much desire to walk and that's fine. We've already learned that things are always on your schedule, not ours, and that's perfectly fine with us!
Recently, your sleep has improved tremendously! (I know I'm going to jinx myself for saying that). You still like going to sleep between 7:30 and 8:00 and wake up around 5:15am for your paci and will sleep for another hour. You always seem to wake up fussy though so we can tell that you still need more sleep.
Right after your first birthday, you actually slept until 7:00am a few days! We're crossing our fingers that this continues!
"Where are your teeth?"

"Where are your teeth?"

You wear size 4 diapers and have moved into 18 month clothes. The length is usually too long for your arms & legs so you have room to grow. We also had you sized for your first pair of big kid shoes! You measured a size 3.5/4 with room to grow and you look so grown up in your new tennis shoes!
You weigh 20 lbs 12 oz (65%) and are 28 1/4 inches long (17%). Looks like we still have a shorty on our hands but you have plenty of time to grow!

As much as your daddy and I would love to keep you a baby forever, we are so excited to transition to the next toddler stage and see how life changes again!
You've taught us so much this year, I don't even know where to start...patience, lots of patience, trust in our families to be there for you when we can't be, how to put someone else's needs 110% before our own, how to change a diaper after a baby learns how to roll over (and climb), how to eat a cold dinner with one hand, how to function on no sleep, but most of all, how to love another being unconditionally no matter what.
You have also taught us what being a mommy and daddy is all about - fun, rewarding, exhausting, but SO worth it!
We love you more than you will ever know, sweet Kinley!
xo -
mommy & daddy
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