We all road tripped to St. Louis for Beth & Michael's housewarming party on October 13. The weather was gorgeous so it was a perfect day for it!
I promised Beth that I would get some house pics up for her but unfortunately I didn't get many pictures of the upstairs.
Here's the front of the house from when they first moved in.
Mizzou was playing that afternoon so they had a Mizzou themed party. My sis made the cute wreath!
The front living room and amazing drink bar!
Another living room view. Their house has lots of character and charm with great updates, too.
The dining room. Makes me jealous that their whole house is decorated perfectly and I've lived in mine for years and we're not even close.
Family room view from the kitchen at the back of the house.
This is the only upstairs picture I have - their sweet bathroom.
Against daddy's wishes, Kinley was a Mizzou fan for the day. Aunt Beth bought her the dress and it was too cute not to wear!
I made them a Mizzou pumpkin as part of their gift.
I should have taken a picture of the food spread in the basement. Let's just say that there was everything imaginable. I'm pretty sure that they're still eating leftovers today!
This little girl was tuckered out but took a few little naps.

Kinley loved Caden's power wheels!

Caden had to show her how it worked.

And before the night was over Caden had to give Kinley a kiss & hug! How stinkin' cute! Daddy wasn't too happy about this either. :)

We hung in the backyard for most of the afternoon/evening.
I wasn't the best photographer but I did get a cute picture of Laura & Craig!
thankss!!! :)