I feel like these bump watch posts are so boring to write now that I've written Kinley's monthly posts. My only big change is that I'm growing, ha! Therefore, they might be short & sweet.
Scott went out of town for a work trip from Sunday to Wednesday this week so I was a single mommy for 4 whole days, yikes! I was nervous before he left but Kinley was SO good. She slept until 7am a couple mornings so I could get showered before she even woke up. (I think she knew I was a little stressed).
We are so happy to have daddy home to help out...and take my baby bump picture. ;)
Scott went out of town for a work trip from Sunday to Wednesday this week so I was a single mommy for 4 whole days, yikes! I was nervous before he left but Kinley was SO good. She slept until 7am a couple mornings so I could get showered before she even woke up. (I think she knew I was a little stressed).
We are so happy to have daddy home to help out...and take my baby bump picture. ;)

It's hard to see but I promise there's a little bump going on (even though it may only be all the extra food I've been eating).

Kinley is cracking me up in these pictures - I think her fun little personality is here to stay!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: 4 inches, about the size of a apple
Total weight
gain/loss: Gained 4 pounds
Maternity clothes: Nothing yet but I tried on the pants I ordered and they're still a little baggy so I'll hold off for now.
Gender: We can find out in 5 weeks!
Movement: None yet
Sleep: Pretty good! Kinley was an awesome sleeper this week so that means I got great sleep!
What I miss: Nothing really. Life has slowed down considerably since Kinley came so I wasn't doing anything too crazy before I got preggo.
Cravings: Carbs & Mexican! And that's definitely not good for the scale!
Symptoms: Hunger! One day this week I ate a big taco salad for lunch and by 4:00 I was STARVING. I haven't been hungry like that in a looong time (where you could cry because your stomach hurts so bad). Anyway, nothing a little mashed potatoes from KFC can't cure. :)
Congratulations! I haven't been over to your blog in the last few weeks - I see I missed some big news! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months (or, really just 5ish more :)!