Wow, the weeks are flying! We had an action packed week with all of our Halloween fun! I go to the Doctor on Monday for my late 16 week appointment which should be boring, but I'm thankful for that. Then at the end of the month we'll have our 20 week appointment so we need to decide if we're finding out the gender of baby #2!
Kinley wanted to hold the frame all by herself this time! SO close to walking!

How far along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: 4.5 inches, size of an avocado
Gender: No clue. Chinese gender predictor says boy but I've been feeling the same for the most part so it could be another girl!
Movement: Totally confused on this one just like last time. After lunch last week, I was sitting in the lunch room and felt a huge movement in my lower stomach. It could have been a muscle spasm but I'm not sure I've ever had those in my tummy. Then it happened again yesterday when I was standing up front. It definitely wasn't "fluttering" like I'm supposed to feel so I'm going to ask the Doctor if I could just have a strong baby!
Sleep: Pretty good! Kinley was an awesome sleeper this week so that means I got great sleep!
What I miss: Having a glass of wine with dinner.
Cravings: Spicy things.
Symptoms: My growing belly & possible baby kicks!?
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