Another week in the books. I had my first pregnant marathon shopping trip and held up surprisingly well. My feet and back didn't bother me at all!
Someone is done taking these silly pictures with mommy...

How far along: 18 weeks
Size of baby: 5.6 inches, size of a sweet potato (just in time for Thanksgiving!)
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 6 pounds
Maternity clothes: Leggings & dresses are my go-to wardrobe until I get maternity dress pants for work. I bought a pair of maternity skinnies from Gap to wear with my boots this fall/winter! I've definitely embraced maternity clothes sooner than last time.
Gender: I'm feeling girl since this pregnancy is so similar. We'll find out soon!
Movement: Little flutters & a few big movements.
Sleep: My lower back is already bothering me. This was a big issue last time as it hurt anytime I tried to roll over.
What I miss: Shopping at my normal stores now that all the big sales are popping up!
Cravings: Nothing really this week.
Symptoms: Lower back pain.
You & Kinley BOTH look adorable, Sarah! Happy Thanksgiving to you & your beautiful family. Love you guys! -Kari