These last 2 weeks absolutely flew by so I'm combining weeks 19 & 20 since they have one thing in common...we found out that we're having another girl! That has another post dedicated to our gender reveal so I'll leave it at that.
Here are some sonogram pictures from our appointment:
Front view of the head on the left, a little fist in the middle, and belly at the right.
Little foot
The it's a girl shot!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 20 weeks
Size of baby: 6.0 inches, size of a subway sandwich
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 7 pounds
Maternity clothes: I wear some maternity bottoms and regular tops.
Gender: It's a GIRL!! We were right!
Movement: Consistent flutters depending on the time of day.
Sleep: Don't ask. Kinley's sleep habits have taken a turn.
What I miss: Shopping at Loft, Limited, Express, etc now that they all have major Christmas sales going on!
Cravings: Spicy and sweets.
Symptoms: My growing belly.
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