We took a trip to St. Louis to do a little pre-Christmas shopping with my mom, sister, aunt, cousin, and grandma on Veterans' Day. (and Kinley!)
We arrived around 10:00, bought some Christmas decor at HomeGoods and Michaels, and grabbed some lunch to fuel our shop-a-thon. We lunched at Nadoz Cafe - good food but a little pricy. Here's K 'playing' with her turkey & cheese sandwich and devouring her fruit.
After lunch we hit the galleria. A few highlights include:
Shopping at Nordstrom for the perfect pair of Tory Burch flats for mommy & Aunt Beth (in our dreams)! But how cute would they be in Kinley size?!
Trying on Toms for our "shopaholic-in-training" but they were too big still. :(
Kinley's 1st Disney Store experience! (Even though I look terrible in the pic below, I'm taking one for the team b/c the important person looks adorable!)
Kinley discovered the princess mirror and had fun dancing and making faces at herself...
She tried on her first princess crown...
and thought it looked better on her than Aunt B...sorry! ;)

Mom & her girls (minus Cora)
Our shopping crew - 4 generations of Conboy girls! I'm so thankful that my grandma is still in good health and was able to shop with us the whole time and to have such close family. What great memories were made!
I'm thinking (crossing my fingers) that this will become an annual tradition for us!
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