Monday, June 25, 2012

9 Months Old!

Kinley -

Just as soon as I get one "birthday" posted, it seems like it's time for the next!  Now that you're getting closer to one, I feel like you're doing something new almost every week, sometimes it seems like every day!
Summer's in full swing around here and we've been enjoying the pool a lot this month.  You still love kicking your feet in the pool just like you did in Sanibel.

This month you...

loved to turn the pages and lift the flaps in your books,

learned to put blocks into a toy,

got closer to crawling and pulling up by yourself,

learned to "dance, dance, dance,"

went on your first boat ride,

practiced clapping and waving all the time,

started sticking your tongue out a lot,

learned to "blow raspberries" which gets us all very wet,

got very cuddly and always laid your head on our shoulders,
 said your first words - "ga ga" and "bla bla," (6/16/12)

AND cut your first tooth!  (bottom right - 6/18/12)

We're wondering if bla bla means "bubba" which is what I call Buffett or if you mean "ba ba" for bottle.  Either way, we LOVE hearing you jabber!
I wouldn't have included this but since it's close enough to 9 months, I'll add that you started saying "ma ma" last week, too! (6/21/12)  We usually only hear it when you're fussing or crying though...
At your 9 month checkup you weighed 19 lbs 1 oz (50/60th percentile) and were 27 inches (25th percentile).  You absolutely hated getting your ears, lungs, and heart checked.  It's painless but you acted like we gave you 10 shots! hahaha.  I called you a diva and Dr. D said you were a regular 9 month old throwing a temper tantrum.  :)
What a fun month it's been!  I guess this means it's about time to start thinking about your 1st birthday party!  We love you, monkey!

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