Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bump Watch 2011: Week 36

Week 36 brought another lamaze class & another doctor's appointment.  We did the normal breathing & massage at lamaze but nothing too exciting to report.  The excitement came at our 36 week checkup.  I had to get the Strep B test so Dr. Stone asked if I wanted her to check to see if I was dilated at all.  Of course I did!  I don't normally mind pelvic exams but holy moly, that was a little more intense!  Hahaha, I'll leave it at that - any moms know what I'm saying.  She discovered that I was a little more than 1cm dilated & 50% effaced - that's a lot more than I expected!  I figured I wouldn't have any movement until the end.  She also assured me that her head is down & pretty low, thank goodness!  I'm trying not to get my hopes up for delivering early but any progress is awesome!

As if we don't already have enough to worry about, we've decided to get new carpet in our whole house - 4 weeks before the baby is due.  I know, we're really great planners & don't procrastinate at all.  : )  Hopefully it can get installed at least a week or 2 before my due date so lets pray that Baby T wants to stay in & cook for a few more weeks!  I won't complain if I go a week early though!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 36 weeks
Size of baby: 18.5 inches & 5.8 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: 27 pounds
Maternity clothes: All comfy maternity clothes but I'm soo sick of them.
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Movement: She is very active after I eat & in the evening.  She's very entertaining when she really stretches & makes my tummy dance around.
Sleep: Up once or twice & some hip soreness again.
What I miss: Nothing new - moving without grunting, haha.
Cravings:  Ummm does a Rolo Mcflurry count? ; )
Symptoms:  I've started having a few braxton hicks contractions, especially if I walk a lot during the day.  I have also been experiencing the "lightning crotch" phenomenon as her head is starting to descend & does not feel so great.
Memorable moment for the week:  Finding out that we've made a little progress!

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