Friday, September 2, 2011

Bump Watch 2011: Week 37

Now that our weekends have calmed down & our countdown to baby is under 1 month, I've been trying to get ORGANIZED!  (I'm starting to get a little nervous in this department).  We got the flooring ordered this week & it should be in next week.  Luckily, I've been into the store enough that sales guy knows what kind of time crunch we're under and is trying to make it happen as soon as possible. 

My mom has offered to help me organize the house a million times so I finally took her up on her offer this weekend.  We got our bathroom closet organized (which was kind of a disaster), moved the cleaning supplies out from under the sink & organized our bedroom closet.  Now baby T has her own shelves in the bathroom! : )   
We completed our final lamaze class on Monday evening & toured the maternity ward again.  I figured, the more I go up and expose myself to it, the less nervous I'll be especially since I'm not a big fan of hospitals to begin with.  My cousin Amanda and her hubby Tim were in class with us so we took our last preggo picture together (she's due 10 days after me).  Can't wait to meet our little girls!!
Proud soon-to-be daddys

Momma's in less than 1 month!
Week 37 wrapped up with a visit to see Dr. Stone and Scott got to go this time!  Normally I squeeze it in before work but this time we made the appointment on Tuesday (Scott's day off) since he hadn't been to an appointment since our 20 week gender appointment.  Everything measured normal and even though she wanted to say I was at 2 cm, I was still a little shy of that.  Therefore, she left me at 1.5cm and increased to 75% effaced.  We'll take any little progress we can get!  She also said based on how I've been measuring that I'll probably go around my due date, possibly a little early, but you still never know.  A few months ago I wanted to go on 9/10/11 but now that's only 9 days away - holy moly!  I think I need a little more than 9 days now, hahaha!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 37 weeks
Size of baby: 20 inches & 6 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: 28 pounds
Maternity clothes: All comfy maternity clothes but I'm ready for a new wardrobe!
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Movement: Still very active especially when I'm hungry or just ate.  Her big booty (that she gets from me) still loves sticking out just above my belly button.
Sleep: Up once or twice but sleeping well.
What I miss: Getting off the couch or out of bed easily.
Cravings:  Nothing crazy this week.
Symptoms:  Lots of pressure from her head dropping & contractions every now & then.
Memorable moment for the week:  Scott hearing her heartbeat again & a liiiiittle more progresss.

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