Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sanibel 2012 (Day 1)

This year we decided to drive to Sanibel since our newest addition required a little more than 1 suitcase to travel.  I had been nervous about this drive for months and hoped and prayed that Kinley would cooperate - 20+ hours in a car is trying for anyone!

We packed up the car on Wednesday night (complete with a car topper) and got on the road around 11am on Thursday morning. 

I wish I would have taken a picture of how packed the car was but I forgot!

We made good time but then hit some rain in southern Illinois which turned into severe (scary) thunderstorms and continued through Tennessee and some of Georgia.
Nashville had stop and go traffic (mainly stop) for an hour, ugh! 
Kinley napped and was othewise entertained with toys until she went to sleep at 8 like normal so that was a bonus!
We got to enjoy a little beauty after the storm (double rainbow).
We hit ATL in the middle of the night sometime and got to see the sun come up in Florida.  The only real breakdown Kinley had was when she woke up from her full night of sleep and was confused and did not want to be in the car anymore!

We stopped for breakfast and made it down to Fort Myers by 10am!  We decided to get settled into our hotel room and hit the pool for a bit before we had to pick up Aunt Beth from the airport.

Kinley loved the pool and became an instant fish the second her feet hit the water.

Here we are waiting in the cell phone lot (parked) for Aunt B to land.

That night we went to a bar/grill called Gator Bites which seemed to be full of locals.  We all enjoyed some gator and it was really good!
A little overwhelmed, sweetpea?
Kinley's paci dropped on the floor so we thought this might be a good way to sanitize it, haha!  Kidding (obviously)!  Later we hit the outlet mall for a bit and passed out as soon as our heads hit the pillow!

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